Job: Campground Expansion Location: Logan Lake, B.C. Client: Direct to District of Logan Lake
In the summer of 2014, we traveled up to Logan Lake, B.C. to consult, and landscape a campground addition. The district received a grant, from Community Forest, to renovate the existing campground. The campground is located between the town of Logan Lake and a nearby golf course. People like to camp there because you can fish in the morning and late evenings and enjoy a round of golf during the afternoon.
During the course of the contract we aided in the concept development, as well as the implementation, all in 4 weeks of the time. Some of the challenges we overcame included unsuitable conditions, lack topsoil availability, coordinating/utilizing public works staff, late year unavailability of plant materials, and the small work window.
The project involved 800 cubic meters of excavation and removal of unsuitable soils, connection of an automatic irrigation system consisting of over 400 sprinkler heads, installation of 800 cubic meters of growing medium, planting of 40 60cm caliber trees, 400 shrubs, putting in riprap for ditches, installing 1200 lineal feet of edging, building and installing split rail fence, and 4000 square meters of finish grading.